App. Process, Permitting, & Fees
All applications must be filled out in full, total square footage (including porches and decks), and total cost of construction. Applications not complete will not be accepted.
Applications must be accompanied by one (1) set of engineered sets of complete drawings (min. 3/16 scale) with current engineer seal and site plan along with one (1) pdf copy emailed to
For non-residential applications, one (1) set of engineered drawings along with building code summary sheet and energy data sheet are required and one (1) pdf copy emailed to
A plan review fee for non-residential plans must be paid when plans are submitted for review. (See fee schedule for current fee.)
If you are to sign the application for your subcontractor, a letter from the subcontractor authorizing this must be on file.
A current copy of worker’s compensation policy must be on file.
Allow up to two (2) weeks for plan review and permitting. All applications will be reviewed and processed according to date received.
For any changes to permit or application after the permit has been processed, a $50 processing fee must be paid prior to any inspections.